The purpose for investing in a solar panel system is to reduce the cost of your electricity bill. Solar panels need the sun's direct rays to produce electricity. Unfortunately, production of electricity is substantially reduced when dust, oil molecules in the air, bird droppings etc. land on the panels creating a barrier to the sun's rays. The loss of production means a loss in savings, in some cases up to 35%. The solution, have your solar panel system professionally cleaned by Superior Solar Cleaners to achieve maximum production and savings.
Hello, my name is Jesse Flores. I started Superior Solar Cleaners in 2016 to offer solar panel owners the important maintenance service of solar panel cleaning. The service we provide saves our clients money, pure and simple. We focus on getting the panels totally cleaned so they will produce to maximum potential and attain maximum savings. I wanted to better understand how solar panel systems work, I enrolled in the William M. Maguy School of Education and earned my certificate of completion in Photovoltaic (PV) systems Design and Installation course. You not only get someone who can clean solar panels but someone who can identify problems while cleaning them.
Superior Solar Cleaners services residential, commercial buildings, office buildings, parking lot structures and more. We install bird proof wire mesh to deter pigeons/birds from nesting under panels which can destroy the wiring of panels and are also a health hazard because of the parasitic waste left by pigeons.
We use a water filtration system that extracts hard water mineral deposits and oily residue so no spotting and deflection of the sun's rays occurs.
We look forward to speaking with you and serving your solar panel cleaning needs.